Populist movements don't build themselves ...

... It doesn't matter what the "horse race" outcome of the campaign is, if we fight the campaign. Fighting it, we learn how to fight. Learning how to fight political battles, we become citizens again. Becoming citizens again, we reclaim the Republic that lies dormant beneath the bread and circuses of modern American society.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sunday Train: Oil Addiction is a Political Choice, not a Necessity

Burning the Midnight Oil for Living Energy Independence

We can tell that an energy policy is not aimed at ending our nation's oil addiction in time when the speech presenting it follows up:
The United States of America cannot afford to bet our long-term prosperity, our long-term security on a resource that will eventually run out, and even before it runs out will get more and more expensive to extract from the ground. ...
I set this goal knowing that we’re still going to have to import some oil. It will remain an important part of our energy portfolio for quite some time, until we’ve gotten alternative energy strategies fully in force.

Sunday Train at this blog has been lagging badly, in large part because of the extra layout effort to port the posts from the community blogs where they are first posted. So from here on out, only the introductory section will be posted, to be followed by links to the various community blogs where the full post appears.

More at:

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