Populist movements don't build themselves ...

... It doesn't matter what the "horse race" outcome of the campaign is, if we fight the campaign. Fighting it, we learn how to fight. Learning how to fight political battles, we become citizens again. Becoming citizens again, we reclaim the Republic that lies dormant beneath the bread and circuses of modern American society.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Train: Should Cap&Trade Funds finance the California HSR?

Burning the Midnight Oil for Living Energy Independence

One element of the recent California HSR "revised" draft 2012 Business Plan (which we shall call the Other, Other Plan) involves looking to one particular means of finance in addition to general fund bond finance and Federal transport grant funding:
Cap-and-Trade Program Funds
Assembly Bill 32 (Statutes, 2006, Chapter 488) mandates a reduction of statewide greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. In accordance with that law, California will implement a market-based cap-and-trade program. Funds from the program can be used to further the purposes of AB 32, including for development and construction of the high-speed rail system.

This has led to the current controversy in which the California Legislative Analysts Office, the LAO, has argued that the Cap and Trade funds might not be usable for HSR (pdf: p. 8).

One of their points, "Other GHG Reduction Strategies Likely to Be More Cost Effective," involves a serious and common misframing of the question of the use of funds dedicated to reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: when reducing GHG emissions in a project that serves multiple purposes, the cost effectiveness of the GHG emissions spending depends on what share of the project funding is represented by that GHG emissions spending.

So more on transport, Green House Gas emissions, and the peculiar analytical weaknesses that crop up whenever the California LAO turns its attention to HSR, over the fold.

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The Stars Hollow Gazette
Coming at 8pm to the Daily Kos


chăm sóc sức khỏe said...

Bán đang muốn làn da của mình trắng hồng tự nhiên , chúng tôi giới thiệu cho bạn những cách làm trắng da toàn thân tự nhiên , công thức kem trộn trắng da toàn thân, tiêm trắng da có an toàn không, cách mọc tóc nhanh cho nam, cách bôi kem chống nắng đúng cách, uống gì mát gan đẹp da . Những chữa cận thị không cần phẫu thuật vừa nhanh và an toàn .

manhkha said...

Kênh thông tin mua bán nhà đất tại Việt Nam , nếu bạn muốn mua hay bán nhà đất thì chỉ cần vào đây , chúng tôi sẽ cho mọi người biết về tin của bạn, nhà đất hcm, nhà đất gò vấp, nhà đất thủ đức, nhà đất tân phú, nha dat quan 9 . Còn chần chờ gì nữa , hãy đăng tin mua bán nhà đất nhanh nhanh .